Filed under: Featured , News , UFC In this week’s Trading Shots, CNN wants to know if you’d let your child do MMA. As retired UFC and WEC fighter Danny Downes and MMAjunkie columnist Ben Fowlkes discuss the matter, they’re also forced to wonder if your answer would change once that child became an adult. Fowlkes: I’m sure I don’t have to tell you this, Danny, seeing as how you follow CNN’s schedule with an almost religious fervor, but tonight the homie Lisa Ling will be taking a look at child MMA. The CNN Twitter account plugged the program recently with the question: “Would you let your child take up the controversial sport?” Setting aside the question of whether CNN means to imply that MMA is itself controversial or just controversial when children are doing it, I’m curious as to your answer as a former professional fighter. And, if you’d be so kind, I’d like your answer for two different interpretations of the question: 1) Would you let your child do MMA, as in the kids’ version, while they were, you know, a kid? 2) Say your child wanted not just to do this as an after-school sport, but to pursue it as a career path.

See the article here:

Trading Shots: Would you let your child do MMA? How about as a career? – MMA Junkie

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