I heard recently that Mike Dolce made a comment on managers, that fighters don’t need them . Now, I respect and like Mike very much, so I actually thank him for this opportunity to educate him and everyone else on this. Put simply, it was a dumb comment! I’m assuming this comment was probably made because he was having a hard time with some manager who was haggling with him because that manage didn’t understand the need for a nutritionist! But to the contrary, managers are becoming an absolute necessity – along with other professionals – in the careers of these young mixed martial artists. The quantity of information that has to be processed – just the sheer amount of paperwork – schedules that must be followed and organized, appointments to make, and many other issues that must be handled on a daily basis. It can be simply overwhelming.
Read this article:
Veteran manager Alex Davis insists his position is now more important than ever – MMA Junkie